Typically March and April
While you are ramping up for state assessments, we realize that the whole child is what we are teaching. They are more than just a test score. Have we been valuing the unique talents and needs of our students, staff, and families? As a campus leader, not only will personal reflection always be important, but making sure that our staff keep what is best for PEOPLE at the forefront of our decision making. Everyone begins to get very tired and extremely busy in the springs months. This is when a focus on “the person” must be made intentionally.
Schedule, Job Duties, and Expectations
- Be aware of end of year testing windows and dates when scheduling other events.
- Start to prepare for end of year tasks and celebrations.
- Plan T-TESS Summative conferences and other appraisal meetings.
- Plan to set time aside to either coordinate state testing (if you are the Testing Coordinator) OR to cover other duties at a higher level to allow another AP that is a Testing Coordinator to concentrate on some of that work.
Get Recharged!
- Start to watch for summer professional development opportunities.
- Check out the Academic Calendar for the upcoming year.