Typically November and December
You likely have felt as if you’ve been running by the time you get to this point. Take a deep breath and recognize that the holiday breaks are almost here. That fatigue is well-earned. You have learned so much in these first few months. Slow down a bit and enjoy the teachers and students along with the many end-of-first semester activities. These months should include lots of time observing instruction and learning in classrooms.
Schedule, Job Duties, and Expectations
- Plan your T-TESS pre-observation meetings and observations. Spend time in classrooms.
- Start talking to your Principal about your own performance review and appraisal.
- Do a mental health status check on your campus students and staff.
- Take time for yourself and enjoy time with family and friends.
To Do’s in November and December
- Continue on your year one journey with these November activities.
- Countdown to Winter Break and check your December task list twice.
- If you haven’t done this already, in order to get to know the more about the global picture of what is happening within the District, attend or watch the Round Rock ISD Board Meetings.