Typically Summer (July / August)
Now it is time to get started! This is an exciting time for you and us as we welcome you into our administrative family. We want to ensure that you have a successful first year with your new role and possibly Round Rock ISD. We have developed this guide to assist in your new role. It contains useful information for all Round Rock ISD Asst. Principals and contains a phase by phase, month by month general view of activities to take you through that first year.
Click here to access the full Onboarding Guide for New Assistant Principals.
Schedule, Job Duties, and Expectations
- Dialog with your Principal to clarify job expectations and role responsibilities.
- Get a tour of your campus, if you haven’t already done so.
- Get your office/space set up.
- Ask for contextual and historical information about your campus goals and strategic direction.
- Meet others on your campus, as well as people that you’ll work closely with in other departments.
- As mentioned on “The First Year” page, you will be assessed with T-PESS but under the Assistant Principal appropriate rubric.
- Complete any required trainings, if necessary, and register on Eduphoria! (Log in Required. Same as log-in for computer.)
- Prepare for the first day of school!
- Navigate your way through the first two to three weeks of the school year.
- Learn more about Round Rock ISD’s Strategic Plan.

To Do’s
- Things to do before the first day on campus
- Get familiar with your campus before the first teachers’ day
- Preparation activities before students arrive on campus
If You Are New to Round Rock ISD, Get to Know More About Your New Organization
- Begin to explore our culture for building leadership in all of our members of our Round Rock ISD Family.
- Follow Round Rock ISD Twitter, where the students, employees, and the community learn real-time information about the district.